b'Tendon to bone reattachment surgeryUnderstanding YourSports Medicine ProcedureThis guest article was written by Dr. Kyle Anderson,Special attention must be paid to the affected area to orthopedic surgeon and team doctor for the Detroit Lions. enhance recovery and return to a full range of motion. A typical rehabilitation plan will likely include stretching, If youre visiting a sports medicine surgeon, theres a goodstrengthening exercises, massage and endurance activities. chance you may be in need of a surgery that will requireBut patients can also take care with their diet to improve attaching tendon to bone, such as a rotator cuff repair orrecovery. In particular patients can increase dietary intake an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Theof active enzymes, from fruits and fermented foods, that surgical process for reattaching and healing two differentare active in tendon repair. To aid with calcication of the types of tissues (i.e. tendon to bone) differs from thetendon, patients can increase intake of calcium and process for two homogeneous tissues (i.e. bone-bone orphosphorus-rich foods. Lastly, patients can eat foods rich tendon-tendon). This article explains tendon-to-bonein protein but low in saturated fats, such as bone stock healing. soups (e.g. pho soup). Supplementing with a clinical nutrition product for your condition is also a good idea and Lets start with bones. Bones are hard tissue made up ofcan provide targeted nutritional support.proteins, minerals and vitamins and they provide shape, structure and mechanical support to our bodies. They also provide an environment for marrow, for the production of white blood cells, and act as a storage area for minerals, such as calcium. A tendon is a brous connective tissue which attaches muscle to bone. The tendon allows the muscle to move the bone when it contracts. Though similar, tendons are not to be confused with ligaments, which are bands of strong elastic tissue around our joints that connect bone to bone, give our joints support, and limit their movement.In some injuries, tendons or ligaments detach from bone leaving the entire structure unstable. For example in a serious rotator cuff injury, one of the tendons in your shoulder is completely separated from the bone. Tendon injuries often require surgery to reattach the two tissues together to relieve pain and restore the area to a full range of motion. Tendon-to-bone healing is slower than bone fracture healing for two main reasons. First, the enthesis, the part of tendon which connects the bone, tends to have fewer blood vessels.Blood carries the essential biological components needed for healing. Therefore, surgical repair focuses not only on the tendon, but also on the surrounding soft tissues to augment the area with essential biological components.Second, the difference between bone and tendon tissues requires the regeneration of the brocartilage zone. This zone is where mineralized collagen bers from bone become continuous with non-mineralized collagen from tendon to efciently transmit force from movement. Due to the natural complexity of this zone, it is slow to repair. One element that may help with tendon-to-bone repair is increasing calcication of the tendon to mimic bone-bone interaction.07'