b'I fell some 80 feet and landed in shallow ankle to kneeYoure told about rest, ice and given a prescription for pain deep water among the rocks below. Its almost impossiblemedication and anti-inflammatories. But you are NEVER that I survived my fall, the odds stacked heavily againsteducated about your bodys need for additional nutrients surviving. My body was badly hurt with many broken bonessuch as certain key amino acids or that of Vitamin A, C and in my back and shoulder and a badly shattered right elbow.Zinc and other key nutrients and how they promote I was airlifted by a helicopter hanging by a long rope andhealing.rushed to Albany medical for emergency surgery. I was in the hospital for two months and had countless surgeriesWhen the body has been through a trauma, it enters a to repair the injuries. They extracted muscle from my backstate of higher metabolic demand and requires elevated and skin from my thighs to replace all the tissue that waslevels of certain nutrients to aid with the repair process. lost from my right arm.After all, certain nutrients provide the building blocks of the tissue that the body is trying to repair and nutrition is I remember waking up in the recovery room seeing mycritical for an optimal immune response as well as for brother by my beside. He casually said whats up, how youmanaging inflammation. I researched and then created my feeling? and then immediately dialed my mother. Heown nutritional prescription of all the different nutrients hadnt told her anything as he knew she would go into fullthat were available to help me heal more optimally.blown panic. Hi mom, I said with some grogginess and weakness in my voice, we talked for a bit and I toldher IToday I still have my battle scars, and occasionally will was in the hospital. A few hours later, she was by myshow my patients the metal in my arm and scars to help beside also, driving to Albany with my little brother fromthem win my trust. It always works because my patients Toronto. know I can relate to their challenges on a very personal level. I fell on July 4th and was back to work treating patients in October. Only three months later! It is scary to think today that the surgeon who stitched me back together once considered amputating my arm at the elbow due to the severity of the fracture. Now Im back to almost normal with a slightly bent elbow and metal thats part of me. Healing for me was all about a loving nurturing family, my savior doctors, a therapist who pushed me, and my healing nutrients that helped me heal from the inside. Today, I own and operate three PT clinics and am living as fully as ever.Mom always at my sideI was physically and emotionally badly beaten up. But I didnt spend my time feeling sorry for myself and was determined to return to living a robust, healthy, active life. And as a Physical Therapist, and owner of a practice, I had to get back to workmy patients needed me and my business needed me. My livelihood literally depended on it.My recovery was hard. Anyone who endures such massive bodily trauma suffers the same. Coping with disgurement, nancial hardships, psychological trauma, acceptance of new disabilities, relationship adjustments are just a few of the many new difculties added to the challenge of recovery.I knew intuitively that proper nutrition would play a key role in my recovery. I had always been very nutritionally conscious but was going to be especially meticulous while my going through my recovery.Proper nutrition is one of the pillars of healing and yet it is often ignored and seldom talked about by doctors.Teaching my wife to wrestle05'